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a journey of faith

Six years ago, God blessed us with some of the sweetest friends. We were a large, busy family with seven children then. They had just started growing their family and only had one little boy. I will never forget the first time we had the Hewitts over for a meal. For hours and hours we shared hearts, and by the time they left, we felt as though we had known them all of our lives. I love how God knits hearts together. It feels like yesterday that Candace and Ryan shared with us how one of their greatest hopes and dreams was that God would someday bless them with an adopted child who has special needs.

They held the dream in their hearts and waited patiently for the Lord to fulfill what He had placed in them many years ago.

As the years have passed and their family has grown, Anthony and I have been so blessed to watch this precious couple walk out their faith with a realness and a tenderness that is pretty rare these days. It has been such an honor to watch their story unfold as they have grown their family and chased after the things of God with so much courage and determination.

Six months ago, Candace reached out to me with a burdened heart. She had come across a very sweet little boy in China who desperately needed a family. The information they had on him was very little and extremely vague. The only thing we all knew was that little Jian Lu was clearly not doing well at all.  He urgently needed medical attention and a family who would love and treasure him in spite of his very unknown future–a family that would trust their God who knew every detail that they could not see.

After several weeks of praying and waiting for their answer from heaven, the Hewitts committed to bringing Jian Lu home.

And God was exceedingly, abundantly faithful!  In a matter of days, they were fully funded, having every dollar they needed to get through the process quickly. They flew through the paperwork.  Jian Lu, who wasn’t doing well at all, was miraculously transferred to a special care unit where he received nutrition and more medical attention.

A recent update showed that he was doing better and had gained three pounds since being moved to a different facility.

This week, Ryan left for China to bring their sweet little guy home. I would love it if you could please join us in prayer for this little family and their new son. Jian Lu has many unknown medical issues and the Hewitts have absolutely no idea what to expect. For most of his life he has been terribly sick.  The photos I’ve seen of him are truly heartbreaking. At one point this year, we didn’t even know if he would survive long enough for them to get through the paperwork. He is extremely delayed in all areas of his life and is very malnourished. Ryan and Candace don’t know how he’s going to be doing when Ryan gets to him this weekend.

Would you pray with us, please?

~~  Pray that Jian Lu is strong enough for the long journey home.

~~  Pray that his health is stable.

~~ Pray that he attaches to Ryan and knows that he is safe and loved.

~~ Pray for Ryan while he navigates everything alone in China.

~~ Pray for his family who are at home.

You can follow Jian Lu’s journey home on their family blog HERE.  I know that the Hewitts would appreciate your prayers so very much!

Trusting and believing for this one tiny little boy and his precious family who adore him already. Chosen and dearly loved.

Where two or more are gathered….
