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all in a hard days fishing

My boys love to go fishing. Me? Well, let’s just say that their vegetarian mommy prays that all little trout swim for their lives. No, just kidding– I do love to see their faces when they make a catch–I don’t even force them throw them back in the water 🙂

I am convinced that Spring has completely missed the mountains this year. Oh my word–50 degrees is winter! We finally had a day when it hit 55 and we absolutely had to get out. We live a stunning part of the country, it really is gorgeous. So we headed to a nearby lake.

Okay DeeDee (that’s what we call our little guy, it means “little brother” in Chinese–named by his first adopted sister), I’m sure this is right–do you think this is how we fish? You just dangle the fishing rod in the water, right?

Am I doing it right, mommy?

She’s just smiling, DeeDee, this must be right.

Mmmm, maybe we should take some tips from the big guy–he’s doing it a little differently to us.

Fishing is so much fun, mom–but then again, there is not much that I don’t love doing. This girl just loves life!

Such a great little helper–always ready and willing to help the little ones out.

Okay, I’ll give up on the fishing–do you think I look so much cuter when I wiggle my hips? Yip, I’ll stick to what I do best.

A friendly little guy came to visit…

And then ran away…

Then he discovered we had food! He came a little closer…

And closer….

Until he was literally eating right out of my lap. (I know, I know–NEVER feed the wildlife…but he was just too darn cute. Hey, and they were organic chips–just what every chipmunk needs, right?)

Then he began eating them right out of our hands.

Look Haven, I caught a fish.

It’s a fish, Haven, you don’t have to be afraid, it won’t hurt you.

Do you want to touch it, Haven? Don’t worry, it’s already dead–I promise it won’t bite you.

The lazy man’s way of fishing–throw the line in, and while you wait, take a nap. Oh, and make sure little brother is on high alert, just in case there is a bite!

We live in a beautiful area.

Snow on Pikes Peak.

Thank you, Lord Jesus for warm[ish] days, spent with the ones I treasure. How blessed I am.
