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big day

It’s been such a busy, busy summer. After so many weeks of appointments and consultations, today is a big day for our Hasya.  We finally meet with her doctors and medical team in a four-hour meeting to discuss whether Haz is a candidate for spine fusion or not. This is such a big decision for all of us who love Hasya.  Either way, there are so many risks.

If Hasya’s doctors are willing to move forward and straighten her spine (which will ultimately extend her life and give her a much better quality of life), it’s a very risky procedure, given all of her medical complications.  And if they feel that ultimately the risks of surgery and recovery are just too high, well, then we continue to trust our God in heaven that He knows best.

Hopefully we will have so many more answers today and will have absolute peace in how to move forward.

Would you please pray with us?  Please trust with us that there will be no confusion, and we will all know which way we are to walk as we make decisions for this young lady who is, by far, one of our biggest blessings in this life.

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She is, and always has been, so firmly in His grip.
