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a challenge

WOW!  I am absolutely blown away by how many people have been so deeply touched by Teri Lynn’s heartbreaking story.  How can I ever thank you all enough for helping me to spread her story far and wide.  What an outpouring of love!  Gosh, I cannot even tell you how many people have read her story since I posted about her yesterday.  I am so thankful for your love poured out for a little lovie so desperately in need of being rescued quickly.

Today I got a note from an amazing blog reader.  They have given us a challenge.  We’ve already raised $7000.00 for Teri Lynn’s adoption.  If we can raise another $2500 in the next few days, they will match that amount–so we’ll add $5000.00 to the total.  That will already give her a wonderful grant of $12,000.00.  Just incredible.  How good is the Lord?  How amazing are His people?

So, dear friends, are we up for a little challenge? Can we raise another $2500?  All donations are tax deductible and will go into a grant fund specifically for sweet Teri Lynn.

What a blessing these funds will be for the family God has already chosen to be hers.  Finances should NOT be a concern for them–bringing her home quickly, to a safe place, should be the only thing they need to focus on!  Sadly, her country is one of the most expensive to adopt from–but when the body of Christ comes together to help, well, all things are possible!  I believe that with all my heart.

Thanks for helping to keep that number climbing.  Even the smallest donations add up.  God is in the business of multiplying all the seed we sow.  It’s a beautiful thing!

THANK YOU!  Thank you for opening your hearts to Teri Lynn.  Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to a little girl whose life matters.  I appreciate it so very much.

Hang tight, sweet little one….help is on the way. 

You are loved by many, you are cared about, you will be CHOSEN!


“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”  (Eph 3:20)   The Message
