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friday musings

~~~  Pondering: The will of God will not take you where the grace of God cannot keep you.
~~~  95% Christmas shopping done!  I rallied big time yesterday.
~~~  Humbled, oh, so very humbled, by the generosity of God’s people.  There are no words.
~~~  More healthy food changes being made in our family.  We have to take responsibility for what we feed our bodies.
~~~  When we read books like Radical and Crazy Love (and many others), our hearts are changed.  Conviction comes in so many ways.  But what do we do with that conviction?  Do we carry on with the status quo? Or do we literally DO something?  I’m convinced that God requires action.  Obedience can be scary though.  Are we truly willing to go anywhere and do anything God whispers to our hearts?  Do we even understand reckless faith?  I have such a long way to go.
~~~  Making a meal for those who refuse to give us the time of day and who choose to look in the opposite direction when we’re near.  They even ignore our littlest one when he says hello to them.  What a lesson for our children to get the second greatest commandment in their hearts.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  Even when they refuse to love us back.
~~~  Thank you for all the wonderful advice for Harper’s endless colds.  I appreciate it and will heed the awesome advice!
~~~  The thought of lying on the beach on a warm summer day sounds so wonderful today.  My Raynaud’s is back with the recent drop in temperatures.  Such a pest.
~~~  My adorable little niece is turning two soon.  I have not seen her since she was 4 months old. I miss her something awful.

~~~ Praying for the many, many families who have stepped out in faith to adopt children. May God provide every dollar they need.

~~~  Seeking God with everything that is within us.  “Speak, Lord,  for your servant is listening.”  1 Samuel 3:9

~~~  God is good.  All the time.

~~~  Loving beautiful almond eyes that follow me everywhere I go.
