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a heart full of praise

What a beautiful day today has been.  My heart is full of praise, for the Lord has answered a prayer–a cry of my heart.

When I shared my heart on this post, I must confess that I had some serious doubts that anyone would go and rescue the children I left behind in Hailee’s room.  It was one of those times where the situation seemed impossible.  It almost felt hopeless.

But God…

Is anything too difficult for the Almighty Father?  Seriously.

Is there anything that He cannot do?

Oh my goodness.  Sometimes my faith is so puny.

Today Yuri and Bodhi met their mommy and daddy.


Today two boys who were without any hope at all, felt the love of a parent’s embrace for the very first time.

Today two little boys’ lives are about to change forever! 

Today my heart is so very thankful.

How adorable are they?

I am rejoicing–and I know so many of you are too.  Many of you have followed along as the Winkles have made their way to their boys.  I know they are so thankful for the many prayers.

Nothing is impossible!

Do you know that seven children are being adopted from our daughters’ orphanage?  All of the children have special needs.  Children who so desperately need to get out of there.  Tom and Patty are returning to Ukraine soon to bring their angel home. The Winkles, the Schwenzers, and now the Hinz family, friends of the Schwenzers, are also adopting two precious little boys from the same orphanage. How amazing is that?  One of their little boys, Nikita, was actually Harper’s roommate.

I’m sure the caretakers there are going to wonder what on earth is happening.  Why are all these people coming to take the ‘least of these’?  Ha! God happened.

I love it. 

Thank you to my friend, Jeannett, at liferearranged for reposting what I wrote back in June regarding the urgency of getting orphans OUT of orphanages and INTO loving families. 

For all of you who have a heart for adoption (and I know many of you do), please, I beg you, continue to use your blogs, Facebooks, Twitters, and your voices to advocate for children.  Sometimes we feel like the orphan crisis is so overwhelming and that there is not much that we can do to make a difference.  But every little bit we do helps to let people know that there are beautiful treasures out there just waiting to be found. 

We are the only voices they have.  When we’re silent, they die.

There truly is no one else like our God.

With a heart overflowing with praise.
