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hold on, tiny one

I have tried to write a blog post several times this week. Each time I’ve deleted it.  Sometimes it’s so hard to put real life, and real feelings, and raw emotions into words. 

Hopefully very soon I will be done with my very raw and unfiltered post.

Until then, I thought I would share a sweet picture of me and my absolutely darling little girl with you all.  I didn’t get many pictures of the two of us together last week.  So when my amazing new friend and fellow Pleven mom sent me this, I was so thankful.

Isn’t she just as beautiful as can possibly be? I sure do think so.

She is so very tiny and frail.  Breaks my heart!

No words can express how much my heart is longing to bring her (and her precious brother) home!

The good news is that we have finished filling in the second stage of the U.S paperwork and it should arrive at USCIS today. Now we wait for the approval we need before our paperwork can go to the Bulgarian government. Hopefully this little lovie will not have to wait too much longer.

Hold on, sweet little blessing, every day which passes is one day closer to you coming home forever!

Trusting HIM in all things this day!
