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the honest scrap award

I love the name of this award. Who in the world thinks up the names of these things?

I was so blessed to receive this award from my sweet bloggy friend, Christy. I am so thankful for Christy’s friendship–and for the fact that she feels the things I ramble on about are even worthy of an award. Seriously, I often wonder why I even do this. I don’t consider myself a writer of any sorts–I almost flunked English in High School. Hated it. But, here I am–living my life, and writing about it for you all to read. Can only be God.

Thank you, Christy, for the award. Thank you for reading my blog and for your constant encouragement. Thank you for being so faithful to stop by, drop me a note and let me know that you’re praying for me. I appreciate it so much.

So, here goes–these are the rules.

1) say thanks and give a link to the presenter of the award.

2) share “ten honest things” about myself.

3) present this award to 7 others whose blogs I find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged me.

4) tell those 7 people that they’ve been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving it.

Ten honest things about me:

1.) I have traveled and lived in many places around the world (about 30 countries). Some before marriage, some after. I feel blessed to have seen so many wonderful places.

2.) I absolutely have to take a bath before I go to bed–I don’t care how late it is. Non-negotiable!

3.) I love being barefoot…it’s the African in me.

4.) Even in summer, I have to sleep with at least two covers over me. I think my dear hubby is convinced I’m a reptile.

5.) Worship is my best thing ever. I could worship God all day long.

6.) I think snow so pretty–for one day, then I’m over it.

7.) When I met my husband, I wondered how I could ever feel secure being married to man who was a former international model (Anthony was in the top 20 male models in the world). But, he has made me feel like his queen from day one. I am truly blessed.

8.) If I had to pray for God to give me one ability that I do not have, it would be to sing. I wish I could sing.

9.) If I’m passionate about something…you’ll probably know it!

10.)At the end of my life I hope I can look back and know with certainty that I lived my life on purpose–making each day count as if it were my last.

Now for the fun part–I get to give the award away to seven friends. I love giving things away.

1.) Lee-Anne–a friend in real life. We met years ago when we lived in South Africa. One of the sweetest people I know. She loves God with all her heart. I have never heard her complain once–about anything! So precious.

2.) Janine–another friend in real life! She lives in my home town in South Africa. One of my most treasured friends on this earth. There are no words to describe the blessing this girl is to me. I miss her something awful.

3.) Holly–a new bloggy friend. I love her heart–for her family and for orphans. She has just said goodbye to her hubby who is serving our country overseas. I admire her so much, I cannot imagine how tough that must be.

4.) Rachel–One of my dearest friends in real life. I miss her terribly. They are working on their paperwork to adopt their second child. I can hardly wait to see who God has chosen to be their next blessing. Love her heaps.

5.) Laura–another friend in real life. This friend is an amazing writer. I love the way she shares her heart on her blog. I love her honesty as she shares her ups and downs. I am so blessed to have her in my life.

6.) Lori–a new bloggy friend. I love her blog so much. I love her humor, she makes me smile even on the days that seem hard. They are waiting to travel to adopt their second daughter.

7.) Linny–I have been reading Linny’s blog for about 7 months. An amazing woman of God. Fifty years old and still bringing precious orphans home–she is surrounded by little ones and loves it. Her journey inspires me to live a life out of the box.

I consider myself incredibly blessed to know each one of these woman–either in real life, or through my blog. Stop by and meet them–you will be so glad you did.
