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I believe in miracles…an update

Thank you all for praying for sweet little Joshua!  

I thought I would share a quick update for those of you who don’t follow on FB.  God has heard every prayer spoken on behalf of this angel and his family.  Last Friday, things were looking really bad.  The family had prepared their hearts to say goodbye to their son.


The great I Am.

Faith and True.

He has heard from heaven.  And He has answered.
Here is today’s update.

Joshua has been agitated/wakeful which is decreasing his oxygen sat (last I heard he was around 90) and raising his blood pressure and heart rate. This is due to them reducing his paralytic (so his bowels will move and fluid will go down too). He is down to 65 percent setting of oxygen on oscillator (goal is 60 percent with him maintaining 95 or higher oxygen sat)  and 5 on nitric oxide. They are adjusting his sedative and paralytic to try to keep him calmer….trying to find the right balance. 

Please pray that Joshua will be calm and have peace today so he can keep progressing, for healing of his lungs, healing of whatever is causing low fever, and that he will do well with switching his neck position to the other side when they do that (he’s had to be positioned on his back with his neck to the right side for I think 6 days now). I think they want the pneumothorax to be better before switching him. 
I wanted to share that before I left they said that his skin on his back had looked good…which they were very amazed at since he’s been on his back now 3 weeks and at risk for breakdown. Usually a patient on a vent is flipped periodically but Joshua was too sensitive so he hasn’t been. Praise God! Pray his neck is protected too.
God of wonders!
Believing for a full and complete recovery!