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lists, a ginormous snowman, and dates

We are completely blown away by the generous hearts of so many of you who placed a bid on our auction. Wow! I can’t tell you the total we raised just yet as there are still a couple of items waiting for the bidding to close.  As soon as I know, I’ll be sure to let you know.
My days are full to overflowing. Ever had that feeling where you have so much to do, but you just don’t know where to even begin? I find myself standing still in one spot, and not quite knowing where to move next.
I have made lists.  Lots and lots of lists. 
A to-do list.
A what to buy list.
A what to take overseas list.
A cleaning list.
A what to throw away so that it does not make the move to VA list.
A don’t forget list.
A reminder list–just in case I forget anything on any of the above lists.  One can never have too many lists, you know? 
Yep–I’m drowning in my little lists here.  It’s crazy.
And while I’m methodically checking off my lists as things start [kind of sort of] falling into place, the reality of what life is going to look like for the next few weeks has begun to sink in. I’m going to be away from my family for a long time, and that is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my married life.  How in the world am I going to cope being separated from the ones I love for a whole month (or more if there are any delays)?
Oh my word, only the Lord knows.  Because I sure do not.  Grace, grace, grace.

I’m keeping my eyes on the prize!


I absolutely love the spring forward thing that you have here in the States.  I love that the days are longer.  I love that warmer weather is just around the corner.  It takes a little longer to get to the high mountains that we live in, but it does eventually come. The promise of spring.  I LOVE spring.

Last Sunday we got heaps and heaps of snow.  Since then the days have been warmer, and the kids just had to get out of the house.  I agreed, and school took a backseat (oh well). They spent hours in the sun, building an enormous snowman, and getting rid of some major energy.

Big kids–gotta love them.  It sure does not take them long to figure out that they can get the little guys to do all the work for them.  This little one worked his tail off.

While the big kids patted, sculptured, molded and got their huge balls of ice looking just right.

Team effort–that’s what families are made of.

While Cade rolled and rolled and rolled that huge ball of ice until he literally could not move it anymore.

Meet Bob the [very large] snowman.  Sweet success.

My kids love and treasure Monday nights.  It means date night with Daddy for the girls, or hanging out time with Daddy for the boys.  Anthony takes each child out individually on Monday nights.  It is his alone time with them.  They go for coffee or a milkshake, or whatever their little hearts desire. Their choice. It is their special one-on-one time with Daddy.  They absolutely love their time with their Dad.

Cade, who is only 5, gets a little impatient when he has to wait such a long time for his alone time with Daddy.  He sees the kids go week after week and just doesn’t quite get that his turn will eventually come.  When it’s his week, he makes a little countdown chart which he tapes to the fridge and then religiously starts marking off the days…..

Until eventually he gets his alone time with the Daddy he adores.


I don’t think I should break it to Cade just yet that his wait time is about to be extended just a wee bit with two more treasures being added into the mix.  

More and more snow for us today and tomorrow. I was told well over a foot. Yikes.

Happy spring everyone.
