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love does.

I can’t think of one person whom I know personally or an online friend who would disagree with me when I say that we are living in desperate times.  I struggle to even watch the news or read my Facebook newsfeed anymore. Like many of you, we ache for the Lord to return and make all things right. We yearn for a world where there is no injustice, no pain or suffering, and where every human being on the planet is loved and protected. But we are also so mindful that though it is easy to become discouraged and allow our hearts to grow weary, the LORD calls us to press on–to embrace those who suffer, to love without borders, and to give until we’re empty.

I absolutely love what Paul says in Galatians Chapter 6 from The Message: “So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued (grow weary) doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.”  (Parenthesis mine.)

Eighteen months ago, my friend Deb shared this about our vision at Pure and Faultless for a home we were going to start in Uganda.  It should be a place of safety for girls who had been let down too many times by those who had harmed them unimaginably and by some who came and tried to help but later left.

“We want to create a safe place; a sanctuary. A home where women can come live with us, out of the slums, away from their pimps, and thrive. We want to provide them hope and a future. She wants to be a teacher? Let’s help her enroll in school and work toward that dream. A hairdresser? One of us can step up to send her to the best school. Even a lawyer? Yes. Let’s get back to school and see where the road leads. We will offer mentoring and counseling and rehabilitation, even as we seek to help them set a new career path.”

In the past year and a half, we have seen the LORD do amazing and miraculous things.  True to Deb’s vision, He has answered prayers.  One of our board members reminded me about sweet Kate and her heartbreaking story:

“A little over a year ago we welcomed our first residents into Rahab’s Corner in Kampala, Uganda. We welcomed a mother, Kate, and her 7-year-old twins, Joel and Jovia. Kate was born and raised in the slums. Her mother still lives in the slums. From a very young age, Kate was unwillingly pulled into the sex trade industry. At 14 she had her first child, a daughter. Kate did everything she could to ensure that her daughter’s path would not mimic her own path. She sold jewelry and herself to send her daughter to school. When the opportunity to join Rahab’s Corner became a reality, Kate was first in line, desperate to remove herself and her children from the slums. Kate has a servant’s heart. Not only was she the first to join, but she has facilitated bringing in many more women and children in desperate situations.”

Fast forward a year, Kate is finishing a professional career course in hairdressing. Her twins are thriving in junior school. She is building a foundation in which to start life in a new direction. The love of Jesus shines through all she does. We are excited to watch as she moves on from Rahab’s Corner and into a life she chooses.

Loves does!

That’s redemption, friends! And Kate is just one of the many who have come to live at Rahab’s Corner.  Some have come alone.  Others have come to us either pregnant or with children.  Some have given birth and we have welcomed precious, tiny blessings into the home. It truly has been incredible to watch the Almighty Father take what once was broken and breathe into it new life. So very humbling, really.


In addition to the wonderful has been the incredibly difficult, too.  The enemy would like nothing more than to keep these girls hidden in darkness–bound in shame and self-loathing. We’ve had heartbreaking situations where our residents have continued to make poor choices and have been unable to break the bondage over their lives.  It’s unimaginably difficult, and the daily warfare at Rahab’s Corner is a reminder to always be in prayer for each one of these precious lives.  Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

In spite of every excruciating hardship and all the pain that our young ladies have been through–most which our hearts cannot even begin to fathom–two of our board members who recently visited said that they found them all to be joyful and spirited, particularly in light of what they have been through. Every precious girl has experienced severe abuse. All of them are old beyond their years. All of them need a miracle straight from heaven. Many of them also experienced real hunger.  Tender hearts desperate for touch from the Father.

As a board, one of the dreams we had was to eventually be able to buy land and build on it a much larger home than the one we currently rent.  We envisioned a place where we would be able to accommodate many more who would need a safe place, to become more self-sustaining, and to have a training center to equip our residents with life skills and in whatever they decided to do with their lives.


We dreamed of a place where we could do so much more to see their dreams become a reality.


I cannot look at these pictures without getting tearful.  God gave us a dream…and then He provided!


Groundwork on our new, two-acre parcel on the gorgeous, rolling hills outside of Kampala is well underway.


The buildings are going to be absolutely beautiful–a safe, wonderful place for anyone whom the Father sends our way.  Right now there are 12 residents and 4 children living at Rahab’s Corner. Winnie (our amazing cook) and her daughter also live at the house for a total of 18 people. Once the build is complete we can slowly increase to about 40.  We can hardly wait!


We cannot wait to see how He uses this land, these hearts, and this ministry for His glory.

Friends, would you stand with us as Pure and Faultless grows in Uganda, please? Like us, has God given you a heart to help in some way?  Has He burdened you for the lost, the hurting, and those who desperately need a touch from heaven?  Would you love to sow seed on fertile soil and see it grow for His Kingdom?

We would absolutely love for you to partner with us.  As we grow, so do our needs.

~~  We have enough money to complete several of the buildings on our land.  The total amount needed to complete everything is $100,000 more.

~~  As we have grown and the Lord has added to our numbers, we need $1000 in additional monthly support to ensure that all the needs of our young women, their children, and our faithful and amazing staff are taken take of.

If the Lord is tugging at your heart and you feel like you would love to be a part of His Kingdom expanding in Uganda, please visit our Pure and Faultless Uganda page for more information.

Above all else, would you please join us in prayer for these young ladies?  Would you trust with us that God would continue to do such a deep, healing work in their hearts?  Also, we would so appreciate prayers for our interns who will be heading over to serve our precious ladies later this year.  They will serve at Rahab’s Corner for a year and we are so excited to see what the Lord does in and through them.

Thanks, friends.  We are so very grateful.

Trusting the LORD of the harvest.


