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quick update

Thank you for the many prayers for our happy, delightful young lady.  It means the absolute world to us.

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The last few days have stretched my heart to trust the Lord so much.  We have agonized with knots in our stomachs over what the very best thing is for our beautiful oldest child.  Having to make HARD medical decisions is such a tough thing. If we say no to surgery, the risks are unthinkable.  If we say yes to surgery, the risks are unthinkable. Either way we walk, there absolutely will be challenges.

The more we learn, the more we remind ourselves that He who created her, He who held her so very tightly for all those years, He who has guided us in every little detail of her life for the last three and a half years…He has been faithful.

We’re still in the process of speaking to specialists and weighing up every single bit of medical information, test results, and every doctor’s opinion.  We’re taking our time and praying through it all–trusting in His promises…

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,

because they trust in you.”

~~Isaiah 26:3
