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rocking her new gear

So while we were at the orthotist a few weeks ago picking up Hasya’s body brace, I casually asked the guy whether it would be possible to custom-make a very small, non-invasive helmet for Hailee.  She goes through so many pilot caps from scratching holes in them.  When her hats are off she constantly pulls on her ears and the left-hand side of her head is pretty much bald from pulling her hair out.

A helmet!  Small, light, easy-to-wear, simple.

Of course he could make one, he assured me.  Just the way I wanted it!

Today Hailee and I went to pick it up.

Imagine my surprise….

Oh my goodness, we laughed!

Small, non-invasive, easy-to-wear all day long.


What in the world was he even thinking?  Wrestler?  Extreme sports enthusiast?  So funny.

But thankfully, as you can tell, this girl is such a trooper. She is so absolutely adorable!

Hailee’s game for anything–and she will willingly meet anyone on the carpet for a game of wrestling.

Nobody can rock this pink head armor like Hailee can!

But still, something a wee bit more girly and petite would be so much better, thank you very much.

Back to the drawing board we go.
