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so well loved

Putting our three little ones into school last year was one of the hardest decisions for me.  After so much prayer and many meetings with the school district, we felt like it was the right thing to at least try for one year and see how it went.

One school year later and I am so absolutely thankful that we gave it a chance.  All three of our kids who have Down syndrome have blossomed.  They have done so well in learning new things and getting used to their new routine. It’s been such a joy to see.

But more than anything else, I am so grateful that they have been loved.

Well loved.

They have been deeply cared for in their little school.

Knowing that my precious children are loved and nurtured from the time that they get on the bus in the morning has been such a blessing to my heart.

My sweet Kael and his special education teacher.


For now we’ll make the most of these glorious summer days and make wonderful memories together. And then we’ll embrace another school year with hearts of expectation at what He will continue to do in each one of them.
