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The Salem’s are on a journey! You know, there are times in my life when I have felt like I have had things all figured out…all my ducks in a row. I love feeling that way…I love feeling organized and having everything the way I want it to be :). The last three months have NOT been that way. There have been times I have truly felt that I have died to self….you know, crucified the flesh and layed down my desires to follow Jesus. But recently….God has taken that to a whole new level!!!! Anthony and I have found ourselves in a place we have never really been before, if we are very honest. The place is one of complete and utter dependence on God! For years we have told Him “we will go where you send us” and “we will do whatever you want”! Now…He is testing us on that! Are we really willing to lay down our desires and follow Him, no matter where that leads us? Are we really willing to give Him our dreams, and trust Him with them? Are we really willing to do extra-ordinary things for Him, things that may be uncomfortable? Are we willing?????

I think that for the first time in our married life we are at the place God wants us to be…..fully dependent on Him and Him alone! While NOTHING is making sense and every door before us seems to be a CLOSED door….we know that God is quietly going about His business….calling us to TRUST Him with our lives…COMPLETELY! Just as Elijah stood out on the mountain (1 Kings 19:11-13) and waited for the Lord to pass by…we are NOT seeing Him in powerful winds, great shaking earthquakes and amazing fires….we are sensing Him in the quiet winds, the gentlest of whispers.

We are willing, Lord Jesus!
