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Thankful Thursday

I have so much to share—so many things on my heart, and so many stirrings in my spirit. But not tonight. Tonight I am just thankful. For what? Well, I guess we could all write a book on the many things that we are so thankful for. But for tonight my heart is overflowing with gratitude for God’s amazing provision.

Our family knows what it means to live by faith. Yip, been there, done that! We have served the Lord on the missionfield by faith. As our family has expanded we have continued to trust God to allow us to live on one income by faith. We know what it means to not know where our next loaf of bread is coming from, or how the next bill is going to be paid, but by faith God has always provided. He has NEVER, not once, let us down—ever! Sure, He has stretched us many times, calling us to press in to Him when things have got tight. But oh my goodness, He has ALWAYS come through.

God’s amazing provision—my heart and my mind cannot fathom it. How He blesses us, not just in morsels here and there, but in abundance, so much more than we ever need or deserve. In a world gone crazy over consumerism it is so easy to get caught up in the ‘got to have more’ mentality. I do it all the time. I have to remind myself daily that my Jesus is more than enough. That His provision for my family is more than enough. That if I never have the latest and greatest, that is okay—He is ALL I really need.

I am absolutely, positively convinced of one thing—giving God what is due to Him, what is rightfully HIS (not ours), HIS tenth, unlocks the door to abundant provision. What an incredible journey of blessing it is to do what the Bible tells us to do. I know that there are many who disagree on this issue, but for us it is simple—if the Bible says it, we believe it.

I am so thankful for God’s incredible provision tonight. I am so thankful that He knows just how much we need—and will give to us according to what we need, not want!

I am so reminded tonight that my God knows my needs before I do. That He will NEVER let me down. He is so faithful and good. We have chosen to not look at a bad economy and despair, instead we will keep our eyes fixed on our Father and Provider. The ONE who’s economy is alive and well.

I am so thankful!
