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the life of costly love

This week I read most amazing book.  It’s a tiny little book.  Takes all of about thirty minutes to read and costs a little more than a latte.

In his latest book, John Piper says of the church, If our single, all-embracing passion is to make much of Christ in life and death, and if the life that magnifies him most is the life of costly love, then life is risk, and risk is right. To run from it is to waste your life.”

The life of costly love.  I could not help but think of the many, many families who I am so blessed to know who understand costly love with all of their hearts.  They’re the families who sacrifice, go, give, and pour themselves out for the sake of those who need them every single day.

The life of costly love can also be such a lonely place…

Until the body of Christ reaches out and says, “We’re here for you!  You do what the Father has told you to do and we will support you in any way we can!”

That’s exactly what hundreds of you did for the Block family last December! Together with the Ucherek family, they stepped out in faith and took an enormous risk–believing that God had put it on their hearts to build homes in Guatemala for orphans who have nowhere to go.  

And the glorious body of Christ came alongside them and told them they were not alone on the mission the Father had given them.

Together, as a people who care so deeply, you made much of Christ.

Today Amy sent me an updated picture.

Honestly?  It was just what I needed to see.  I needed a reminder of His faithfulness.  His provision. His unfathomable grace.

His faithfulness to build a home.

A house of love.

This house, the first of many Village of Hope is hoping to build, will be finished in April.

Just in time for the first precious children who will be arriving.

A place where they will be loved beyond measure.

And given HOPE.

Thank you, Block and Ucherek families, for showing us all that, as Mr Piper so accurately says, life is risk, and risk is right.  Thank you for magnifying Jesus in that place!

And thank you, body of Christ, for making this first home a reality.  

May He always be our single, all-embracing passion–no matter where that leads us, or what He asks us to do!  Help us, Lord Jesus, to never waste our lives.

Village of Hope is still in need of finances to help the many, many people they are serving in Guatemala.  You can donate RIGHT HERE.  Be a part of the incredible things the Lord is doing in this poverty-stricken country simply by sowing precious seed!  Thanks!
