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this and that

Ah–thank you for all your very sweet comments about my family, and my new blog look. You guys are way too kind. Really. It seems that I will be keeping the pink after all.

Before I go on, I have to answer some of the questions that a few of you asked.

~~ Nope, the picture was not Photoshopped. The colors just came out so beautifully because we used a great lens and the colors up here in the mountains are simply stunning. We have had so much rain, I mean buckets and buckets. Everything is so lush and green.

~~ Oh for heavens sakes–those close to me will tell you that we are so NOT perfect! No way. Our kids misbehave way more than we would like, you will usually find them wearing clothes with holes in them, we lose our patience, we forget things we probably should not forget, we get tired and irritable, we speak harshly when we should not, most days you’ll find my hair in a ponytail–just because I couldn’t care less, our house is more often than not a complete dump, we let people down unintentionally, we say the wrong things, some days we feel like we could just stay in bed all day long, we question our parenting, we sometimes lack faith, we stumble and fall…you get the message. So far from perfect–but striving each and every day to be more like Him, who is perfect. We have such a long way to go, friends.

~~How did we get all five children to smile? Simple, really–it’s called bribery! A lovely little parenting tool. Did I already tell you that we are so far from perfect parents? Here’s my little confession. Cade was crying rivers of tears because he was just being a regular old four year old who did not want to have his picture taken. I tried everything to make him smile–the promise of candy (a rare treat), a movie of his choice…I went through a list. Nothing worked. Until I thought of it–the one and only thing that would make him co-operate for just two blooming minutes. Cream soda! Not just any old soda…cream soda. Soda equals heaven on earth for my children. Poor deprived things. Bingo! We got the smile.

Bribery–it works perfectly every time.

My treasures on this earth.

Anthony and I are so deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support you have all showered upon us as we journey to bring Hailee home. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! Your prayers alone mean the absolute world to us. I will tell you that our God has heard every single prayer that has been spoken on our little girls behalf. Before our eyes we have seen Him move mountain, after unmovable mountain.

The last two weeks have been such a stretching time. A time of pressing into God when nothing in the natural made sense. When it seemed we would surely lose Hailee–God called us to persevere and NOT give up. It has been a time of standing on the promises of God and being so sure of our faith. And, it has been a time of not wavering when we doubted if we even heard God’s still, small voice saying, “Go!”

Yes, our God–He absolutely does make a way when there seems to be no way. I can stand on the rooftops and testify that with all my heart.
