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to intentionally live

This Thanksgiving weekend I….

~~~  Missed my family overseas something ridiculous!  Being apart just never gets easier.  I have not seen my brother, whom I adore, for nearly four years now.  And I haven’t seen my darling niece since she was just a tiny baby. As the ache in my heart was almost unbearable, a song ministered to me in such a deep way. Matt Redman’s Here For You reminded me once again that He is worthy of our praise, our absolute surrender, and our obedience to go where He goes..and do the things He asks us to do in this life.  Even when it’s painful.  Even when I would rather be there, not here.  Even when the journey requires sacrifice.  Even when.

~~~  Packed many boxes.  Again.

~~~  Picked many paint colors. Again.

~~~  Played board games as a family.  Five Second Rule and Pictionary are the games of choice right now.

~~~  Forgot about the computer so that I could spend intentional time with my sweet family–to be fully present with the ones I have been exceedingly blessed with.

~~~  Skyped with my family faraway.

~~~  Did not put up a Christmas tree. 

~~~  Was mindful of the Father’s many blessings in my life…and counted them one, by one, by one, by one.  So thankful for His astonishing grace that my heart simply cannot fathom.

~~~ Pondered His love that endures forever.  “The sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring THANK OFFERINGS to the house of the LORD, saying, “GIVE THANKS to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever.”  ~~ Jer 33:11

~~~ Missed my darling son and daughter who are waiting for us overseas fiercely!  Counting down the days until they will be orphans-no-more.

~~~  Loved like crazy.

“Oh my goodness gracious! Look, Hailee! Mom’s taking photos…again!”

“Such a bother!”

“Time to hide away.  Does this work?”

“Oh, wait! Hey, Hailee.  I have a splendid idea!”

“Follow me! Let’s make a run for it. Quickly!  Before she notices!”

“Sister! You coming? I said to hurry!”

~~~ Gathered with people we love with all our hearts.  And it was good!

I hope you all had a blessed weekend too.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD!  (Psalm 107:1)
